A DNA test determines a person’s ancestry and explains which ancestors left their mark on your genome; it
is needed to better
understand yourself and your history, and learn more about ancient and modern relatives.
Ethnic composition
Most people are representatives of several ethnicities that often live far from each other. Therefore,
comparing sections of chromosomes with the DNA of typical representatives of various nationalities
allows you to discover your ethnic composition.
The DNA test tells you how much you relate to each of the 168 ethnicities.
Search for relatives
With the help of DNA testing, there is a unique opportunity to determine the extent of a relationship
between two people. The primary task is to find sections of chromosomes that the two people inherited
from a common ancestor. The more sites the two people have, the fewer generations separate them from a
common ancestor.
We receive 50% of our DNA from our father and the other 50% from our mother, who got it from our
grandparents. So, our cousin’s DNA is a 12.5% match with us.
By agreeing to participate in the search for your relatives, you can find relatives up to a separation
of ten generations.
Over 90% of our clients find at least one relative.
Paternal line
Maternal line
Am I related to Napoleon, Nicholas II, and Genghis Khan?
We examine 2,600 genetic markers on the Y chromosome, only found in men and passed down from father to
son, and 830 on the mitochondrial DNA, passed down from mother to child. This comparison allows us to
track (with high accuracy) the migration path of paternal and maternal ancestors up to the exit of
modern humans from Africa.
Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA analysis evaluate your degree of separation (from known ancestors) of
your paternal and maternal lines.